
The Rise of Green Startups: Entrepreneurship at the Forefront of Sustainability
The Rise of Green Startups: Entrepreneurship at the Forefront of Sustainability 746 419 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In the wake of growing environmental concerns and an urgent need for sustainable solutions, green startups are emerging as the next big wave in entrepreneurship. These innovative ventures are not just gaining traction but are poised to revolutionize industries, attract significant investment, and capture the public’s imagination. Here’s why green startups are set to blow up and how they’re shaping a more sustainable future.

The Eco-Conscious Consumer

Today’s consumers are more environmentally conscious than ever. A growing segment of the population prioritizes sustainability in their purchasing decisions, opting for products and services that minimize environmental impact. This shift in consumer behavior creates a fertile ground for green startups, which are uniquely positioned to meet this demand with eco-friendly innovations.

The Role of Technology in Sustainability

Technological advancements are at the heart of green startups, enabling the development of sustainable solutions across various sectors. From renewable energy and electric vehicles to sustainable agriculture and waste management, technology is driving the green revolution. Innovations such as blockchain for transparent supply chains, AI for optimizing energy usage, and biotechnology for creating sustainable materials are just a few examples of how tech is powering green entrepreneurship.

Investment and Economic Incentives

Investors are increasingly recognizing the potential of green startups, leading to a surge in funding for sustainable ventures. Venture capitalists and angel investors are pouring money into green technologies, seeing not only a lucrative opportunity but also a chance to make a positive impact. Additionally, governments worldwide are offering incentives such as grants, tax breaks, and subsidies to support eco-friendly businesses, further fueling the growth of green startups.

The Impact of Policy and Regulation

Global policies and regulations are increasingly focused on combating climate change and promoting sustainability. International agreements like the Paris Accord and national policies on reducing carbon emissions and plastic waste are creating a regulatory environment that favors green startups. These policies are compelling traditional businesses to adapt and opening doors for new, innovative companies that prioritize sustainability from the ground up.

Success Stories and Market Leaders

Several green startups have already made significant strides, serving as inspiration for budding entrepreneurs. Companies like Tesla have revolutionized the automotive industry with electric vehicles, while startups like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are transforming the food industry with plant-based alternatives. These success stories highlight the potential for green startups to not only succeed but to lead in their respective markets.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the potential is vast, green startups also face unique challenges. High initial costs, longer ROI periods, and the need for specialized knowledge can be barriers. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation. For instance, startups that can develop cost-effective green technologies or create scalable sustainable solutions will have a competitive edge.

The Future of Green Startups

The future looks bright for green startups. As awareness of environmental issues continues to grow and technology advances, these startups will play a crucial role in driving the global shift towards sustainability. Entrepreneurs entering this space have the chance to make a significant impact, both economically and environmentally, by developing solutions that address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

The Green Entrepreneurial Wave

Green startups represent the confluence of technology, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. They are set to attract public attention and investment, driven by consumer demand, technological innovation, and supportive policies. As we move towards a more sustainable future, these startups will not only reshape industries but also inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs to prioritize the planet while pursuing profit. The green entrepreneurial wave is not just a trend—it’s a fundamental shift that promises to redefine business and innovation in the 21st century.

Photo via Iberdola

Italian Ecosystems and the European Agenda for Sustainability
Italian Ecosystems and the European Agenda for Sustainability 900 506 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

🌟 Exciting Opportunity Alert! Join us for the 15th installment of the groundbreaking “Clusters meet Regions” workshop series, where Italian ecosystems take center stage in the European sustainability agenda!

🚀 Twin Transition: Italian Ecosystems and the European Agenda for Sustainability 📅 Date: March 26-27, 20XX 📍 Location: Milan, Italy

ℹ️ About the Event: This workshop, organized by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform in partnership with AFIL – Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association and the Lombardy Regional Authority, promises to be a game-changer. Dive deep into the complex industrial landscape of Lombardy clusters and explore how they align with the European vision for sustainability.

🎯 Objectives:

  1. Analyze the effectiveness of central-level strategies in driving local implementation.
  2. Discover best practices and success stories from Italian and European regions, showcasing their impact on business, industry, and research ecosystems.
  3. Forge valuable networks and collaborative projects among participants.

📋 What to Expect: Gain insights from industry experts, policymakers, and thought leaders during engaging discussions and interactive sessions. Download the Draft Agenda and Participant’s Booklet to get a sneak peek into the event’s lineup!

🌍 Context and Goals: Lombardy, home to nine dynamic Technology Clusters, is at the forefront of sustainable growth in Italy. Through a collaborative approach with clusters, the region is driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and paving the way for a more sustainable future.

🎯 Target Audience: Calling all European Cluster representatives, public authorities, business support organizations, investors, and innovation enthusiasts! This event is your chance to connect, collaborate, and catalyze positive change.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of the conversation shaping the future of sustainable industry. Register now and be a part of history in the making! #ClustersMeetRegions #Sustainability #Innovation #Milan202X 🌿🌐🔬

More information here

Entrepreneurial Necessities
Entrepreneurial Necessities 1024 683 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur can be an exciting and fulfilling journey, but it requires more than just a great idea to succeed. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need certain characteristics and resources that will help you navigate the ups and downs of the business world. In this article, we will explore what an entrepreneur needs to succeed.

Vision and Purpose

The first thing an entrepreneur needs is a clear vision and purpose for their business. A vision is a long-term goal that guides the direction of the company, while purpose is the reason behind the business. A well-defined vision and purpose will keep an entrepreneur focused and motivated, even during tough times.

Passion and Drive

Passion and drive are the fuel that propels entrepreneurs forward. Running a business is hard work, and without passion and drive, it’s easy to become discouraged and give up. Successful entrepreneurs are passionate about their business and have the drive to see it through to success.

Resilience and Perseverance

Resilience and perseverance are crucial traits for any entrepreneur. There will be setbacks and failures along the way, but successful entrepreneurs don’t give up. They learn from their mistakes and keep moving forward.

Strategic Thinking and Planning

Entrepreneurs need to be able to think strategically and plan for the future. This means setting goals and developing a plan to achieve them. Successful entrepreneurs are always thinking ahead and anticipating potential challenges.

Financial Management Skills

Entrepreneurs need to have strong financial management skills. They need to be able to manage cash flow, create and stick to a budget, and make smart financial decisions. Without these skills, a business is unlikely to succeed.

Strong Communication Skills

Entrepreneurs need to be able to communicate effectively with employees, customers, and investors. They need to be able to articulate their vision and purpose, motivate their team, and build strong relationships with customers and investors.

Networking and Relationship Building Skills

Entrepreneurs need to be able to build relationships and network with other professionals in their industry. They need to be able to find mentors, investors, and advisors who can help them grow their business.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Entrepreneurs need to be flexible and adaptable. The business world is constantly changing, and entrepreneurs need to be able to adapt to new trends and technologies. They need to be able to pivot their business when necessary and make changes to their strategy.

Becoming a successful entrepreneur takes more than just a great idea. Entrepreneurs need to have a clear vision and purpose, passion and drive, resilience and perseverance, strategic thinking and planning, financial management skills, strong communication skills, networking and relationship building skills, and flexibility and adaptability. With these characteristics and resources, entrepreneurs can navigate the challenges of the business world and achieve success.

Leading the New Wave of Deep Tech Innovation
Leading the New Wave of Deep Tech Innovation 1 1 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) programme, which is part of Horizon Europe, seeks to foster more connected, inclusive, and efficient innovation ecosystems and promote the growth of companies, as outlined in the New European Innovation Agenda. The primary aim of the EIE programme is to bring together individuals and organizations focused on innovation and to facilitate connections between various resources, such as funds, equipment, and facilities, as well as organizations, such as higher education institutions, research and technology organizations, companies, venture capitalists, and financial intermediaries, investors, and policymakers.

The New European Innovation Agenda, adopted on July 5, 2022, aims to establish Europe as a leader in the new era of deep tech innovation and startups. Building on Europeans’ entrepreneurial spirit, scientific excellence, the strength of the single market, and democratic societies, the NEIA aims to improve access to funding and innovation framework conditions, strengthen and better connect innovation players across Europe, attract and retain talent in Europe, and develop policymaking tools.

This document showcases the projects funded under the European Innovation Ecosystems work programme, which support the implementation of the New European Innovation Agenda objectives and, more specifically, its flagship initiatives related to “Funding for deep-tech scale-ups,” “Enabling deep tech innovation through experimentation spaces and public procurement,” and “Accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide.”

On January 26, 2023, project coordinators and their partners presented their initiatives in a workshop titled “Projects under the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme in support of the New European Innovation Agenda.” The project coordinators provided an overview of their activities and connected them to the objectives of the relevant NEIA flagships, namely Flagship 1 on “Funding for deep-tech scale-ups,” Flagship 2 on “Enabling deep tech innovation through experimentation spaces and public procurement,” and Flagship 3 on “Accelerating and strengthening innovation in European Innovation Ecosystems across the EU and addressing the innovation divide.”

The New European Innovation Agenda Flagship 1 seeks to improve access to finance for European startups and scale-ups by mobilizing untapped sources of private capital and simplifying listing rules. The European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme of Horizon Europe and the Startup Europe initiative, supported by the European Innovation Council (EIC), contribute to the Agenda by facilitating the adoption of deep tech innovations and supporting the next generation of innovative companies whose solutions will lead to a more competitive EU and a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient world.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Leading the new wave of deep tech innovation : projects under the European innovation ecosystems work programme in support of the new European innovation agenda, Publications Office of the European Union, 2023,

Startups as Game Changers
Startups as Game Changers 1024 623 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In recent years, startups have emerged as some of the most innovative and influential players in the global economy. These young, often scrappy companies are pushing boundaries, disrupting industries, and driving significant changes in how we live and work. From technology to healthcare to finance, startups are changing the world in ways that were once thought impossible.

One of the key reasons that startups are so successful at driving innovation and change is that they are unencumbered by the constraints that often burden larger, established organizations. Startups are free to experiment, take risks, and try new things without worrying about damaging their reputation or alienating their customer base. This gives them a significant advantage over larger competitors, who may be more hesitant to try something new for fear of upsetting their existing business model.

Another key advantage of startups is their agility. Unlike large, bureaucratic organizations, startups are lean and nimble, able to pivot quickly in response to changing market conditions or new opportunities. This allows them to adapt to changing circumstances and take advantage of emerging trends, often before larger companies even realize what’s happening.

Perhaps most importantly, startups are driven by a deep sense of purpose and passion. Founders and employees at startups are often motivated by a desire to make a difference in the world, to solve important problems, and to create new and better ways of doing things. This sense of mission and purpose can be a powerful force, driving creativity and innovation and pushing companies to achieve great things.

Whether they are focused on technology, healthcare, finance, or any other field, startups are driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Of course, not all startups will succeed, and not all will have a lasting impact on the world. But even those that fail can contribute to the larger ecosystem of innovation, paving the way for future entrepreneurs and pushing the envelope of what’s possible.

In conclusion, startups are proving to be some of the most innovative and influential players in the global economy. With their agility, passion, and willingness to take risks, startups are driving significant changes in how we live and work. As we look to the future, it’s clear that startups will continue to be at the forefront of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and changing the world in ways that were once thought impossible.

Bloomberg Línea: 2023, a challenge or an opportunity for entrepreneurs to scale up?
Bloomberg Línea: 2023, a challenge or an opportunity for entrepreneurs to scale up? 1024 683 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Bloomberg Línea spoke to experts and entrepreneurs of European companies with a presence in Latin America to identify the five main challenges they face and what will determine a business’s ability to secure venture capital.

Innovation-driven companies, including both startups and established companies, called “scaleups,” are facing a difficult year. This is due to widespread layoffs in the technology industry globally, and the current economic climate of rising interest rates, high inflation, and lower demand, which will result in less available funding. As investors become more cautious, these companies must come up with strategies that prioritize their project’s viability. 

Scaleups are companies that have achieved a certain level of success and are now looking to grow further. They typically have a proven business model, a large customer base, and a team of experienced professionals. Scaleups are often differentiated from startups in that they have a more established presence in the market, and are more likely to have access to capital, a more mature product, and a larger customer base. Scaleups are in a unique position to take advantage of the current environment of low capital, as they have the resources and experience to effectively manage their growth.

A Dynamic and Evolving Environment

This presents both a challenge and an opportunity, according to Joan Riera, president of Active Development and a professor at ESADE Business School. He thinks that there’s no better time to start a company. In this environment, startups are more flexible and quicker in making decisions and adapting to changes. Riera has started 12 companies during his career, many of which were founded during times of crisis.
Alejandro Gutiérrez-Bolivar, co-founder and CEO of Ladorian, a provider of digital point-of-sale advertising in Europe and Latin America, shares this view. He says, “This will be a year for those with an entrepreneurial spirit, for those who know how to navigate uncertainty.”

More Costly Capital and Less Investment

The current macroeconomic situation is not favorable, with central banks worldwide raising interest rates and consumer purchasing power declining due to high inflation. This has reduced the capital available for investment, and supply chain efficiency is another challenge for 2023.
According to Crunchbase, global VC funding in 2022 was $445 billion, a 35% year-on-year decline from the $681 billion raised by startups in 2021. This decline is steeper than what was seen after the 2008 financial crisis or the dotcom bubble, as reported by consulting firm Preqin.

Ability to Monetize and Grow

Gutiérrez-Bolivar from Ladorian says that with more challenging conditions, entrepreneurs will have to leverage their competitive advantages more effectively, and demonstrating business models that positively impact the bottom line in the short-term will be essential.
Albert Nieto, the founding partner of Seedtag, which provides AI and ML-based contextual advertising solutions, anticipates a difficult global situation. He believes that companies must show they can generate revenue and grow quickly to secure funding. The key is to demonstrate that the product can be sold on an international scale.

War for Talent in the Tech Industry

The tech industry is currently facing massive layoffs while at the same time, society is undergoing rapid technological change. Keeping talented employees in this environment of crisis and intense competition is a concern that experts have highlighted.

Joan Riera also highlights the shift in behavior brought about by the pandemic. “The concept of freedom has taken shape after Covid, making talent retention both a challenge and an opportunity,” he notes.

For Ladorian Gutiérrez-Bolivar, talent retention is critical as it affects companies on both a tactical and strategic level. He explains for Bloomberg Linea that we need to integrate talent in a productive way, adapting to the hybrid scenario of remote and in-person work. However, the new ecosystem has made it difficult to maintain team cohesion, so when it comes to talent, it is crucial for people to work with those who can make a positive contribution.

Juan de Antonio, a founding partner of Cabify, states that the startup and scaleup environment is always striving to refine its tools to better manage talent. He also points out that Spain’s recent startup law, which improves tax conditions for stock options, is a step forward in valuing professionals in the industry.

Innovation at the Forefront

Venture capital is seeking out companies that offer disruptive technologies without sacrificing profitability and scalability. According to Ladorian Gutiérrez-Bolivar, from a commercial standpoint, the markets need to keep a close eye on thriving sectors and those with a stronger presence.

On the other hand, Riera believes that healthcare innovations will have a major impact, particularly in mental health, followed by exponential tech trends such as digital transformation, AI, 5G, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
He concluded that customers are demanding more experiences, they are connected and eager to learn.

Source: Bloomberg Linea

RAISE at the European Angel Investment Summit 2022
RAISE at the European Angel Investment Summit 2022 1024 763 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

RAISE is working on the creation of collaboration space to help raise startups and scale-ups: Open Startup Forum. The RAISE project team will present the Forum at the European Angel Investment Summit 2022, organised by the RAISE project consortium partner – EBAN.

We invite you to join our community of interested peers ‘Open Startup Forum’. Workshops, matchmaking events, speed dating with investors, acceleration programmes, business mentoring will be some of the opportunities that will raise from our ‘Open Startup Forum’.

Every startup will have an equal chance at success, with access to top-quality information and training. They will be given all the possible tools to grow, and finally, all the players in the EU startup ecosystem under one umbrella will be linked to help them scale up.

Join our Forum to build collaboration amongst key players of the innovation ecosystem, and create a joint agenda that will contribute to the growth and scale-up of start-ups. Want to find out more about this? Write to us at or visit us at the European Angel Investment Summit 2022.

The European Angel Investment Summit 2022, taking place in Brussels on 11-12 October, is the annual conference where early-stage investors, entrepreneurs, and change-makers get together to fuel Europe’s growth.

The EAIS will allow participants a glimpse into the future, a chance to influence the course of tomorrow and a unique opportunity to connect meaningfully with other international colleagues that enable innovations to come to life. During this 2022 edition of the Summit, we will be discussing topics that go from how startups and investors can leverage science to build global companiesto what angel investors can do to foster more interconnected and inclusive innovation communities.

This event is a must-attend for business angels, but also for any other early stage investment actor, supporter of entrepreneurship or innovation at large.

The audience is typically made up by 50% business angels, 20% VCs, CVCs and PEs; 10% startup entrepreneurs; 10% policy makers; 10% other startup ecosystem stakeholders.

The RAISE project consortium partner – EBAN is partnering with the InvestEU Portalthe European Commission DG GROW and DG ECFIN, and the Enterprise Europe Network for the event. 

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