Raise Final Event: EU Startups Summit 2024
Raise Final Event: EU Startups Summit 2024 680 680 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

RAISE, the Regions’ Alliances for Interconnected Start-up Ecosystems Project, is set to culminate in a final closing conference on May 9th in Malta as part of the prestigious EU Startups Summit that will be held in Malta. This event marks the culmination of RAISE’s mission to foster a dynamic and sustainable support framework for startup growth and scale-up across Europe. The event is held as part of the EU Startups Summit, but it’s free of charge.

The conference will feature prominent speakers and case studies, offering insights into the outcomes of the project. The event will be opened by a keynote speech from Rudy Aernoudt (University of Ghent), who will address the audience on “How to Turn Europe into an Interconnected Startup Ecosystem.” The keynote speech will delve into an overview of what policies are needed to stimulate the start-up sector in the EU, discussing the importance of connectivity. 

Throughout the day, the RAISE team will present the methodology and results of RAISE pilot actions, including testimonials from startup experiences. The sessions will explore topics such as “Navigating Structural Funds with the RAISE Startup Support Interactive Map”, and further discuss the needs and expectations of the startup sector through a common action plan developed by SERN with the support of the Regional Steering Group.

Following the presentation of the Common Action Plan, a panel discussion featuring two representatives from  the RAISE Regional Steering Groups and Rudy Aernoudt will take place. The panellists will delve into startup challenges and opportunities in various EU regions, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

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Reflecting on RAISE’s journey, the project has been dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem without boundaries. From funding to research support and internationalisation, RAISE has championed collaboration, linking stakeholders from local to international levels.

RAISE’s focus on pilot actions, benchmarking startup-friendly policies, and nurturing growth has been instrumental in shaping the future of startup support in Europe. The project’s legacy lies in its efforts to design action plans, highlight best practices, and build a joint agenda for effective collaboration.

As RAISE concludes its journey, it leaves behind a legacy of interconnectedness, collaboration, and empowerment, nurturing startup growth and scale-up across Europe towards a truly interconnected EU startup ecosystem.

EU Startup Summit

The EU Startup Summit will gather over 2,000 founders, startup enthusiasts, corporates, angel investors, VCs, and media from across Europe. The event will provide great networking opportunities, with a dedicated networking app (all participants get access about 10 days prior to the event), and serve as the meeting point for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors who are aiming to build international tech companies. The EU Startup Summit will have fireside chats with internationally successful founders, insightful keynotes, and an exciting pitch competition on our main stage with some of Europe’s most promising startup teams – selected from over 1,400 applicants!

Building a Cost-Efficient Startup
Building a Cost-Efficient Startup 1024 576 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Launching a startup often comes with tight budgets and a need for resourceful solutions. While the allure of flashy offices and extensive teams may be tempting, many successful startups have thrived by adopting a cost-efficient structure from the outset. In fact, prioritizing efficiency not only conserves valuable resources but also fosters innovation and agility, key traits for navigating the competitive startup ecosystem.

Embracing Remote Work

One of the most significant shifts in recent years has been the widespread adoption of remote work. By leveraging digital tools and communication platforms, startups can build distributed teams, eliminating the need for expensive office space and reducing overhead costs. Remote work not only offers flexibility for employees but also opens up access to a global talent pool, enabling startups to recruit top talent regardless of location.

Lean Team Structure

In the early stages of a startup, every team member plays a crucial role in driving growth and innovation. Rather than overstaffing, successful startups prioritize building lean teams comprised of versatile individuals capable of wearing multiple hats. This approach not only minimizes payroll expenses but also fosters a culture of collaboration and adaptability, essential for rapid iteration and experimentation.

Outsourcing Non-Core Functions

While certain functions such as product development and customer support may require in-house expertise, startups can save significant costs by outsourcing non-core activities. From accounting and legal services to marketing and design, outsourcing allows startups to access specialized skills on a flexible basis, scaling resources as needed without the burden of maintaining full-time staff.

Leveraging Cloud Technology

The advent of cloud computing has revolutionized the way startups manage their technology infrastructure. By leveraging cloud-based services for hosting, storage, and software applications, startups can avoid significant upfront hardware investments and benefit from pay-as-you-go pricing models. Additionally, cloud technology offers scalability and reliability, ensuring startups can easily adapt to changing demands without costly downtime.

Prioritizing Minimal Viable Products (MVPs)

In the early stages of product development, startups often face the temptation to build feature-rich solutions to impress investors and users. However, adopting a lean approach focused on launching minimal viable products (MVPs) allows startups to validate their ideas quickly and cost-effectively. By soliciting feedback from early adopters, startups can iterate and refine their products iteratively, minimizing wasted resources on unnecessary features.

Next Steps

In the competitive landscape of startup entrepreneurship, building a cost-efficient structure is not only advantageous but often essential for long-term success. By embracing remote work, maintaining lean team structures, outsourcing non-core functions, leveraging cloud technology, and prioritizing minimal viable products, startups can conserve resources, maximize agility, and focus on delivering value to their customers. Ultimately, the most cost-efficient startups are those that prioritize efficiency, innovation, and adaptability in every aspect of their operations.

Photo via Isaac Asendele

Understanding Systematic and Unsystematic Risks for Startups
Understanding Systematic and Unsystematic Risks for Startups 612 290 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Startups are the lifeblood of innovation and economic growth, but they also face a myriad of risks that can threaten their survival. Among these risks are systematic and unsystematic risks, two fundamental categories that every entrepreneur should comprehend to navigate the volatile landscape of business.

Systematic Risks

Systematic risks, also known as market risks or undiversifiable risks, are those inherent to the entire market or economy. These risks affect all businesses, regardless of their specific industry or operational decisions. They are beyond the control of individual companies and are typically influenced by macroeconomic factors, geopolitical events, and systemic trends.

For startups, systematic risks can manifest in various forms:

  1. Economic Recession: During economic downturns, consumer spending decreases, investors become more cautious, and credit becomes tighter. Startups may struggle to secure funding, experience a decline in demand for their products or services, and face heightened competition as established companies tighten their budgets.
  2. Market Volatility: Fluctuations in stock prices, interest rates, and currency exchange rates can have a significant impact on startups, particularly those operating in sectors sensitive to market movements such as technology or finance. Sudden shifts in market sentiment can disrupt business operations, impede expansion plans, and erode investor confidence.
  3. Regulatory Changes: Changes in government regulations and policies can create uncertainty and compliance challenges for startups. Whether it’s new data privacy laws, industry-specific regulations, or tax reforms, startups must adapt quickly to remain compliant and avoid penalties that could drain resources and stifle growth.
  4. Global Events: Geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, and pandemics can reverberate throughout the business world, disrupting supply chains, causing supply shortages, and altering consumer behavior. Startups with international operations or dependencies on global markets are particularly vulnerable to the ripple effects of such events.

Navigating systematic risks requires startups to adopt a proactive approach to risk management. Strategies such as diversification, maintaining adequate liquidity, and closely monitoring macroeconomic indicators can help mitigate the impact of systemic threats on business operations and financial performance.

Unsystematic Risks

Unlike systematic risks, unsystematic risks, also known as specific risks or diversifiable risks, are unique to individual companies or industries. These risks stem from factors internal to the organization or its operating environment and can often be mitigated through strategic decision-making and risk management practices.

Some common sources of unsystematic risks for startups include:

  1. Management Risks: Poor leadership, inadequate strategic planning, and ineffective decision-making can undermine the success of a startup. Founders must possess strong leadership skills, surround themselves with a capable management team, and implement robust corporate governance practices to mitigate management-related risks.
  2. Operational Risks: Operational inefficiencies, supply chain disruptions, and technology failures can disrupt production processes, hinder delivery timelines, and tarnish the reputation of a startup. Implementing robust operational procedures, investing in technology infrastructure, and fostering supplier relationships built on trust and transparency can help mitigate these risks.
  3. Competitive Risks: Startups often operate in fiercely competitive markets where incumbents wield significant resources and brand recognition. Failure to differentiate products or services, anticipate competitor actions, or innovate can leave startups vulnerable to losing market share and struggling to gain traction.
  4. Financial Risks: Insufficient capital, poor cash flow management, and overreliance on debt financing can expose startups to financial distress and bankruptcy. Maintaining a healthy balance sheet, conserving cash reserves, and exploring alternative sources of funding such as equity financing or strategic partnerships can enhance financial resilience.

While unsystematic risks are inherent to the entrepreneurial journey, startups can employ various risk mitigation strategies to safeguard against potential threats. Conducting thorough risk assessments, developing contingency plans, and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability are essential components of effective risk management for startups.

Startups face a complex array of systematic and unsystematic risks that can impact their viability and success. By understanding the nature of these risks and implementing proactive risk management strategies, entrepreneurs can navigate uncertainty with confidence and increase their chances of building sustainable and resilient businesses in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Photo via EDUCBA

Most Important Startup Ratios
Most Important Startup Ratios 1024 536 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Understanding and leveraging key metrics is paramount for success. Among these metrics, startup ratios play a pivotal role in assessing performance, guiding strategic decisions, and attracting investors. From profitability to growth potential, these ratios provide valuable insights into the health and trajectory of a young company.

1. Burn Rate: The burn rate, often expressed as monthly or annual cash burn, measures the rate at which a startup consumes its available capital. It reflects the company’s spending relative to its income and serves as a vital indicator of financial sustainability. A high burn rate may signal aggressive growth strategies but could also indicate potential cash flow challenges if not managed effectively.

2. Runway: Closely related to the burn rate, the runway represents the length of time a startup can operate before depleting its cash reserves. Calculated by dividing the available cash by the burn rate, the runway provides entrepreneurs and investors with a clear timeline for achieving profitability or securing additional funding. A longer runway allows for more strategic decision-making and minimizes the risk of premature closure due to financial constraints.

3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) to Lifetime Value (LTV) Ratio: This ratio compares the cost of acquiring a customer to the lifetime value of that customer. A low CAC to LTV ratio indicates efficient customer acquisition and strong revenue potential, whereas a high ratio may suggest unsustainable marketing expenses relative to customer value. By optimizing this ratio, startups can enhance their marketing strategies, improve customer retention, and maximize long-term profitability.

4. Gross Margin: The gross margin measures the profitability of a startup’s core business operations, calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from total revenue and dividing by total revenue. A healthy gross margin signifies efficient production or service delivery and provides insight into pricing strategies, cost structures, and scalability. Startups with high gross margins are better positioned to weather market fluctuations and invest in innovation and growth initiatives.

5. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Growth Rate: For subscription-based or SaaS (Software as a Service) startups, MRR growth rate is a critical metric that tracks the month-over-month increase in recurring revenue. A consistently high growth rate indicates strong market demand, customer satisfaction, and scalability potential. By monitoring MRR growth, startups can assess the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts, identify areas for improvement, and forecast future revenue streams.

6. Churn Rate: Churn rate measures the percentage of customers who discontinue their subscriptions or stop using a product or service within a specific period. High churn rates can undermine revenue stability and indicate issues with product-market fit, customer satisfaction, or competitive positioning. Startups must proactively address churn by enhancing product offerings, improving customer support, and implementing retention strategies to sustain long-term growth.

Startup ratios serve as invaluable tools for entrepreneurs, investors, and stakeholders alike, offering actionable insights into financial performance, growth potential, and market competitiveness. By monitoring and optimizing these key metrics, startups can navigate challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and build sustainable businesses in an ever-evolving landscape of innovation and disruption.

Photo via Stampli

The Enigma of Startup Failures
The Enigma of Startup Failures 1024 600 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In the swirling vortex of entrepreneurial dreams and ambitions, there exists a sobering truth: the vast majority of startups fail. Behind every celebrated success story lies a trail of shattered hopes, dashed aspirations, and hard-earned lessons. But why do startups, fueled by passion and innovative zeal, often find themselves on the path to oblivion rather than the pinnacle of success?

The landscape of entrepreneurship is riddled with complexities, akin to navigating a labyrinth fraught with unforeseen obstacles. While each startup’s journey is unique, common threads weave through the fabric of failure, offering insights into its enigmatic nature.

First and foremost among these threads is the elusive quest for product-market fit. Despite meticulous market research and fervent belief in their vision, many startups struggle to resonate with their target audience. The disconnect between product offerings and market demands often spells doom, leaving founders grappling with the harsh reality of consumer indifference.

Furthermore, the siren song of premature scaling lures many startups into treacherous waters. Seduced by the allure of rapid growth and inflated valuations, founders may expand their operations hastily, only to encounter the harsh reality of unsustainable overheads and dwindling resources. In their fervor to conquer new horizons, they neglect the fundamental principle of establishing a robust foundation before scaling their business.

Financial mismanagement emerges as another Achilles’ heel for startups, casting a shadow over even the most promising ventures. Whether due to inadequate funding, reckless spending, or unforeseen expenses, financial woes can cripple a startup’s prospects, forcing them to shutter their doors prematurely.

Yet, beyond the tangible pitfalls lies a subtler, more insidious threat: founder hubris. The intoxicating cocktail of ego and overconfidence blinds many entrepreneurs to the warning signs of impending failure. They dismiss constructive criticism, ignore market feedback, and cling stubbornly to their original vision, even as the tides of fortune turn against them.

Moreover, the volatile nature of the startup ecosystem exacerbates the challenges faced by fledgling ventures. Fierce competition, disruptive technologies, regulatory hurdles, and economic downturns loom like specters on the horizon, casting a pall of uncertainty over the entrepreneurial landscape.

In the face of such formidable odds, it becomes evident that navigating the treacherous waters of startup entrepreneurship requires more than just vision and ambition. It demands resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to confront harsh realities head-on. Failure, far from being a final verdict, serves as a crucible for growth and enlightenment, paving the way for future success.

Indeed, behind every failed startup lies a trove of invaluable lessons waiting to be unearthed. From the ashes of defeat emerge seasoned entrepreneurs, armed with wisdom forged in the crucible of adversity. They understand that success is not merely a destination but a journey fraught with challenges and setbacks.

In the grand tapestry of entrepreneurship, failure serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of human endeavor. It compels us to confront our limitations, embrace humility, and forge ahead with renewed vigor and determination. For in the crucible of failure lies the seed of resilience, the catalyst for transformation, and the promise of future triumphs.

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The World’s Highest Valued Startups
The World’s Highest Valued Startups 1024 550 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

When discussing about technology and innovation, startups often emerge as the vanguard, challenging conventions and reshaping industries. Among these rising stars, a select few have soared to stratospheric heights, commanding valuations that rival those of established giants. Let’s delve into the world of high-value startups and unravel the stories behind their meteoric rise.

1. ByteDance: The Trailblazer in Social Media and AI

At the zenith of our list sits ByteDance, the Chinese tech behemoth behind the wildly popular video-sharing platform TikTok. Founded by Zhang Yiming in 2012, ByteDance swiftly ascended to prominence with its innovative use of artificial intelligence to curate personalized content for users. TikTok’s explosive growth, particularly among Gen Z audiences, propelled ByteDance to unprecedented valuation heights, solidifying its status as a global powerhouse in social media and AI-driven technologies.

2. SpaceX: Pioneering the Final Frontier

In the realm of space exploration and aerospace technology, few names evoke as much awe and admiration as SpaceX. Founded by Elon Musk in 2002 with the audacious goal of revolutionizing space travel, SpaceX has achieved remarkable milestones, from launching the first privately funded spacecraft to dock with the International Space Station to pioneering the development of reusable rocket technology. With ambitions ranging from colonizing Mars to deploying a global satellite internet network, SpaceX continues to push the boundaries of human space exploration, earning it a lofty valuation and a place among the elite startups of the world.

3. Shein: Redefining Fast Fashion in the Digital Age

In the world of e-commerce, Shein has emerged as a disruptor, redefining the landscape of fast fashion with its agile, data-driven approach. Founded in 2008 by Chris Xu, Shein leverages its advanced supply chain management and algorithmic-driven marketing to rapidly churn out trendy, affordable apparel that resonates with millennial and Gen Z consumers worldwide. With a relentless focus on user experience and rapid expansion into new markets, Shein has swiftly climbed the ranks to become one of the world’s most valuable startups, disrupting traditional retail models in the process.

4. Stripe: Empowering the Digital Economy

As the backbone of online payments and financial technology, Stripe has positioned itself at the forefront of the digital revolution. Founded by Irish brothers Patrick and John Collison in 2010, Stripe offers a suite of payment processing solutions tailored to the needs of online businesses, from startups to multinational corporations. With its seamless integration, developer-friendly APIs, and commitment to innovation, Stripe has garnered widespread acclaim, attracting a legion of loyal customers and investors alike, propelling its valuation to stratospheric heights.

5. Databricks: Unleashing the Power of Big Data and AI

Rounding out our list is Databricks, a trailblazer in the realm of big data analytics and artificial intelligence. Founded by the creators of Apache Spark in 2013, Databricks provides a unified analytics platform that empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their data through advanced analytics, machine learning, and collaborative data science. With its scalable, cloud-native architecture and cutting-edge technology stack, Databricks has garnered significant traction among enterprises seeking to unlock insights and drive innovation, catapulting its valuation to unprecedented levels.

A Glimpse into the Future

As we peer into the future of technology and innovation, these high-value startups serve as harbingers of change, shaping industries, and rewriting the rules of the game. With their bold vision, disruptive technologies, and unwavering determination, they stand poised to redefine the contours of our digital landscape, inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs to dream big and reach for the stars.

Photo via Impressit

Industries with the Most Promising Startup Technologies
Industries with the Most Promising Startup Technologies 813 1024 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Startups are the vanguards of change, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and shaping the industries of tomorrow. As we look ahead, several sectors stand out for their immense potential to disrupt and revolutionize our world. From artificial intelligence (AI) to autonomous transportation, life sciences, digital health, and cleantech, these industries are ripe with opportunities for startups to make a lasting impact.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):
AI continues to be a game-changer across various industries, from finance and retail to healthcare and manufacturing. Startups are leveraging AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision to unlock new possibilities. Whether it’s optimizing business operations, personalizing customer experiences, or enhancing decision-making processes, AI-driven startups are at the forefront of innovation.

2. Autonomous Transportation:
The future of transportation is autonomous, and startups are leading the charge towards this vision. From self-driving cars and drones to autonomous delivery vehicles and flying taxis, the possibilities are endless. These startups are not only revolutionizing how we move people and goods but also addressing challenges such as traffic congestion, road safety, and environmental sustainability.

3. Life Sciences:
The life sciences industry encompasses biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, genomics, and medical devices, among others. Startups in this space are pioneering breakthroughs in drug discovery, precision medicine, regenerative therapies, and diagnostics. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies like CRISPR, gene editing, and bioinformatics, these startups are driving innovation and transforming healthcare as we know it.

4. Digital Health:
In an increasingly digitized world, digital health startups are leveraging technology to revolutionize healthcare delivery, patient engagement, and wellness management. From telemedicine platforms and wearable devices to health tracking apps and remote monitoring solutions, these startups are empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. With the rise of personalized medicine and preventive care, digital health startups are poised to reshape the healthcare landscape.

5. Cleantech:
As the world grapples with climate change and environmental degradation, cleantech startups are leading the charge towards a more sustainable future. From renewable energy technologies like solar and wind power to energy storage solutions, smart grids, and circular economy innovations, these startups are driving the transition to a low-carbon economy. By harnessing the power of innovation and entrepreneurship, cleantech startups are creating solutions to address pressing environmental challenges and build a greener, more resilient planet.

The industries of AI, autonomous transportation, life sciences, digital health, and cleantech represent some of the most promising frontiers for startup technology. With their innovative solutions and entrepreneurial spirit, startups in these sectors are poised to unlock new opportunities, drive economic growth, and shape the future of our world. As we embark on this journey of discovery and transformation, one

Photo via First Site Guide

Understanding Venture Capital: A Guide for Entrepreneurs
Understanding Venture Capital: A Guide for Entrepreneurs 1024 400 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

When it comes to entrepreneurship, securing adequate funding is often a crucial step towards turning innovative ideas into successful ventures. While various funding options exist, venture capital (VC) stands out as a primary source for many startups aiming for rapid growth and scalability. Understanding venture capital is essential for entrepreneurs navigating the complex landscape of startup financing. Here’s what you need to know:

What is Venture Capital?

Venture capital refers to funding provided by investors to startups and small businesses with significant growth potential. In exchange for financial backing, venture capitalists typically receive equity ownership in the company. Unlike traditional bank loans, venture capital investments involve higher risk but offer the potential for substantial returns if the startup succeeds.

The Venture Capital Process

Securing venture capital involves several stages, starting from the initial pitch to the eventual exit. The process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Pitching: Entrepreneurs present their business ideas to venture capitalists, highlighting the market opportunity, product or service offering, and growth potential.
  2. Due Diligence: Venture capitalists conduct thorough research and analysis to evaluate the viability of the startup, including market demand, competitive landscape, and team capabilities.
  3. Negotiation: If the venture capitalists are interested, negotiations ensue regarding the terms of the investment, such as the amount of funding, equity stake, and valuation.
  4. Investment: Once terms are agreed upon, the venture capital firm provides funding to the startup, often in multiple rounds as the company progresses.
  5. Support and Monitoring: Beyond financial backing, venture capitalists often offer strategic guidance, industry expertise, and networking opportunities to help the startup succeed.
  6. Exit: Venture capitalists aim to realize returns on their investments through an exit event, such as an initial public offering (IPO), acquisition, or merger.

Types of Venture Capital

Venture capital comes in various forms, tailored to different stages of a startup’s growth:

  1. Seed Capital: Funding provided at the earliest stages of a startup’s development to validate the concept and build a prototype.
  2. Early-Stage Capital: Investments made in startups that have progressed beyond the seed stage but are still in the early phases of growth.
  3. Expansion Capital: Funding provided to startups that have achieved significant growth and are scaling their operations.
  4. Late-Stage Capital: Investments made in mature startups that are approaching or have achieved profitability, aiming to further accelerate growth or prepare for an exit.

Key Considerations for Entrepreneurs

When seeking venture capital, entrepreneurs should keep the following considerations in mind:

  1. Fit with Investors: Choose venture capitalists who align with your business’s industry, stage of growth, and long-term goals.
  2. Valuation: Be prepared for negotiations on valuation, as venture capitalists will seek a fair equity stake in exchange for their investment.
  3. Due Diligence: Conduct thorough research on potential investors to ensure they bring more than just capital to the table.
  4. Exit Strategy: Have a clear plan for how you intend to provide returns to investors, whether through an IPO, acquisition, or other means.
  5. Legal and Financial Considerations: Seek professional advice to navigate the complexities of investment agreements, equity distribution, and regulatory compliance.

Steps into Future

Venture capital plays a vital role in fueling innovation and driving economic growth by providing startups with the capital they need to thrive. For entrepreneurs, understanding the venture capital landscape is essential for securing funding, building strategic partnerships, and ultimately realizing their business aspirations. By navigating the venture capital process thoughtfully and strategically, entrepreneurs can unlock the resources and support necessary to turn their entrepreneurial vision into reality.

Photo Dutch Uncles

Find the Best Startup Accelerators for Startups
Find the Best Startup Accelerators for Startups 1024 576 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Navigating the world of startup accelerators can be daunting, but fear not! We’ve compiled a list of the best startup accelerators in Europe to help you find the perfect program to propel your startup to new heights and secure the funding you need.

What sets these accelerators apart is their ability to not only provide funding but also offer invaluable resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Whether you’re looking to rank or filter by total investments raised, female participation, or follow-on funding rates, we’ve got you covered.

It’s essential to note that our recommendations stem from real founder opinions collected in the Heatmap survey, ensuring that you’re getting insights from those who have been in your shoes. Additionally, we’ve paired these recommendations with statistics on follow-on funding, international origins of entrepreneurs, and diversity data, giving you a comprehensive view of each accelerator’s strengths.

But that’s not all. Dive deeper into the success stories of startups within these top accelerator programs and incubators. Discover key statistics on their portfolio companies, such as follow-on funding rates and the participation of foreign-born entrepreneurs. Learn about the percentage of female founders among startups and uncover the leading startup programs in Central and Eastern Europe, the accelerators in the UK attracting the most founders, and which university incubator offers the best conditions.

Whether you’re in FinTech, BioTech, or machine learning, we’ve curated the top programs across Europe to suit your startup’s needs. With filters that allow you to choose accelerators with the most international batches or the strongest focus on fintech or sustainability, finding the perfect fit has never been easier. Simply click on “see all filters” to explore all available metrics or start typing a filter name into the search bar.

As a startup scout, you can even download the list of all portfolio companies of these accelerators, giving you access to valuable insights and potential collaboration opportunities.

So what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards funding success and explore the best startup accelerators Europe has to offer. Your journey to startup success starts here.

Source: Startup Heatmap Europe

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EBAN Congress 2024
EBAN Congress 2024 680 680 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

Estonia, renowned for its digital innovation and vibrant startup ecosystem, beckons entrepreneurs and investors alike to its shores. This year, the European Business Angels Network (EBAN) Congress, a cornerstone event in the world of angel investing, finds its home in Tallinn, Estonia – a country often hailed as the Unicorn Factory.

Why Estonia?

  • Unicorn Hub: With an impressive tally of 10 unicorn companies, Estonia stands tall among European nations. Its journey as a Unicorn Factory traces back two decades to the inception of Skype.
  • Digital Innovation: Estonia’s reputation for pioneering digital infrastructure precedes it, offering fertile ground for tech startups and digital ventures to thrive.

EBAN Congress Highlights

The EBAN Annual Congress serves as a melting pot of ideas and trends, attracting top-tier business angels, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders. Hosted by the Estonian Business Angel Network (EstBAN) and supported by the InvestEU portal, this year’s congress promises an immersive experience:

  • Inspiring Keynotes: Esteemed speakers and panels shed light on the latest trends and insights in angel investing, with a special focus on Estonia’s unicorn success stories.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with hundreds of angel investors from across Europe, forging valuable connections and exploring potential collaborations.
  • Startup Ecosystem Exploration: Dive deep into Tallinn’s thriving startup scene with side events, workshops, and site visits to key players in the ecosystem.

Who Should Attend?

  • Early Stage Companies/Startups: Regardless of industry or sector, if you’re seeking equity investment ranging from €150K to €2M, this event is tailor-made for you.
  • Companies with Active Funding Rounds: If you’re currently engaged in funding rounds and operating within any EU country, seize this opportunity to showcase your venture and engage with potential investors.

Save the Dates

  • May 20: Engage in side events, workshops, and VIP dinners, setting the stage for fruitful interactions.
  • May 21: Immerse yourself in the main program of the EBAN Congress, culminating in a Gala Dinner at the prestigious Nobel Hall.
  • May 22: Embark on an exploration of Tallinn’s startup ecosystem, gaining firsthand insights and inspiration from industry leaders.

Secure Your Spot

Don’t miss out on this unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of angel investing and startup success. Get your tickets now and be part of Estonia’s journey towards innovation and entrepreneurship.

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