Mapping European Startup Support Initiatives
Mapping European Startup Support Initiatives https://theraise.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/RAISE_Survey_landscape-1024x576.png 1024 576 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe https://theraise.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/RAISE_Survey_landscape-1024x576.pngThe RAISE Project stands as a collaborative effort among networks, national, and regional agencies at the EU level, working towards the establishment of a sustainable, integrated support framework to boost startup growth and scale-up activities across Europe. Recognizing the need to address the existing lack of integration among various support services and action plans, the project aims to bridge the gaps in startup support at the EU level.
Assessing Startup-Friendly Policies:
A key focus of the RAISE Project involves evaluating the evolution of startup-friendly regional policies and programs. These initiatives are often financed or co-financed by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) or the Next Generation EU program. The project emphasizes the importance of a cohesive approach to ensure seamless support for startups throughout their lifecycle.
Collecting Regional Experiences:
The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) and FUNDECYT-Science and Technology Park of Extremadura, as RAISE Project partners, are actively engaged in collecting regional experiences and examples. The initiative spans EU NUT 2 territories and encompasses services supporting the entire startup lifecycle, capacity-building programs, and access initiatives to private investment or public funding, all of which leverage ESIF or Next Generation EU Funds.
Interactive Map Development:
The ultimate goal of this comprehensive data collection is the creation of an interactive map showcasing startups and scale-up support initiatives. This map will serve as a valuable resource, allowing policymakers and program managers to access insights into successful strategies employed by different regions. By sharing these experiences, the map aims to guide other regional stakeholders on effectively utilizing structural funds to support startups.
Call for Support:
In a bid to gather pertinent information, EURADA extends a call for support to stakeholders and participants involved in startup support programs across European regions. A survey has been circulated, seeking details about programs or projects funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, or NextGenEU Funds that are currently active in various regions.
Participate in the Survey:
EURADA kindly requests the collaboration of regional actors and program managers by responding to the survey. Sharing information about active programs and projects will contribute to the development of a comprehensive database, enhancing the understanding of successful approaches to startup support across Europe. Link of the survey.
Empowering Europe’s Startup Ecosystem:
The RAISE Project is a testament to the commitment of European networks and agencies to foster a conducive environment for startup growth and scale-up. By mapping and sharing regional experiences, the project aims to empower policymakers and program managers with the knowledge to leverage structural funds effectively. Through collaboration and information exchange, the RAISE Project envisions a future where startups thrive across Europe, supported by well-informed and strategic regional initiatives.
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