RAISE Project Published Key Results
RAISE Project Published Key Results 1024 1024 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The RAISE project concludes today, and we are excited to share key numbers and findings showcasing our support for startups. From June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2024, the project’s main goal was to foster startup growth and scale-up across Europe through initial funding, research support, public incentives, and internationalization. This effort promoted competitive business models, innovative collaborations, and solutions, contributing to a cohesive EU startup ecosystem that connects cities and regions across Europe.

RAISE created a collaboration space to help raise startups and scale-ups: the Open Startup Forum.
We invite you to join our community of interested peers in the ‘Open Startup Forum’. Know-how articles, workshops, matchmaking events, and business mentoring are some of the opportunities raised by our ‘Open Startup Forum’

Comprising 13 high-level professionals and policy experts from various sectors, this group brings together a wealth of experience from Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), Regional Governments, Innovation Centers, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), and more. Representing 10 countries, including Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, the group is a melting pot of expertise and perspectives and a diverse assembly of thought leaders committed to advancing startup initiatives.

How to Use Structural Funds for Startup Support – Guide for Startups
How to Use Structural Funds for Startup Support – Guide for Startups 1024 852 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In its commitment to fostering entrepreneurship, the RAISE initiative has spent the last two years crafting a comprehensive support system for startups and scaleups, guiding them through every stage of their journey. Central to this support arsenal is the invaluable resource, the “How to Use Structural Funds for Startup Support” guide. This guide for startups offers crucial insights into accessing European funds, which serve as vital conduits for the European Union’s efforts to strengthen employment opportunities and cultivate a sustainable economy.

At the core of the guide are the European Structural Investment Funds, Next Generation EU, and the Just Transition Funds—key pillars of financial support that underpin the EU’s vision for economic growth and resilience. Through detailed research and analysis, the guide presents the scope, access criteria, and practical examples of leveraging these funds to propel startup success.

The EU Funding Landscape

The EU’s funding structure reflects its commitment to fostering innovation, addressing climate change, and promoting social inclusion. With initiatives like the European Green Deal and NextGeneration EU, the EU aims to build a resilient, sustainable, and digitally advanced economy. Startups will benefit from a range of funding instruments tailored to support their growth and development.

1. Cohesion Fund: Promoting Sustainable Development and Connectivity

The Cohesion Fund (CF) is an important part of EU funding, aiming to reduce economic disparities, promote sustainable development, and enhance connectivity across the region. With a focus on initiatives aligned with EU climate objectives, startups can tap into CF support for projects related to clean energy transitions, sustainable mobility, and environmental sustainability. However, navigating the CF’s scope and criteria requires an understanding of its emphasis on sustainability and connectivity.

The Cohesion Fund (CF) has two goals: to reduce economic and social disparities and gaps, and second, promote sustainable development. Furthermore, the CF aligns with the EU’s overarching goals by steering investments towards a greener, low-carbon economy and fostering enhanced connectivity across the region. It actively promotes initiatives such as clean energy transitions, circular economy practices, and sustainable urban mobility, in line with EU directives and policies. Beyond environmental objectives, the CF extends support to activities enhancing mobility infrastructure, both at the national and cross-border levels, facilitating transportation networks and bolstering economic integration. By emphasising these dual objectives of sustainability and connectivity, the Cohesion Fund plays a crucial role in steering the EU towards a more equitable, resilient, and interconnected future.

The Cohesion Fund provides support to Member States with a gross national income (GNI) per capita below 90% EU-27 average to strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU. For the 2021-2027 period, the Cohesion Fund concerns Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

As a sign of the commitment of the CF to the EU climate objectives, it is important to highlight that the financial allocation of the CF, 37% of its financial allocation will be directed towards supporting these objectives. The Cohesion Fund finances programmes in shared responsibility between the European Commission and national and regional authorities in Member States. The Member States’ administrations choose which projects to finance and take responsibility for day-to-day management.

Scope of the Fund

Regarding the scope, in article n.6 of the Regulation, it is determined that the fund will support four types of activities

  1. investments in the environment, including investments related to sustainable development and energy presenting environmental benefits, with a particular focus on renewable energy; 
  2. investments in Trans European Transport Networks (TEN-T); 
  3. technical assistance; 
  4. information, communication, and studies.

The criteria, as in the case of the ERDF, is based on the shared management mechanism. This means that deciding which projects gets funded is the responsibility of the authorities of each MS, through its national, regional and local governments. Therefore, a start-up willing to get funding for its initiative would need to discover which is the authority in charge of this in their home state, in order to be able to present their project and apply for funding.

Click here to find which is the national authority of your country.

It must be noted that considering the magnitude inherent to the kind of initiatives that fall within the scope of the fund, such as sustainable transport initiatives, it might be certainly difficult for start-ups to obtain this funding.

Cohesion Fund and startups

As mentioned before, CF is managed by national authorities therefore the public authorities have the power to decide which project/infrastructure they prefer to finance. For example, many projects that were financed by this Fund were in the transportation field. It includes large-scale projects such as a bridge in Croatia, and a railway in Slovakia, and smaller projects such as new electric buses in Bulgaria. Startups have to check the calls at local level and see if they have the requirements to apply for them.

2. European Social Fund +: Investing in People and Social Inclusion

The European Social Fund + (ESF +) is dedicated to investing in people, supporting employment, education, and social policies across the EU. Startups can benefit from ESF + support for projects aimed at promoting skills development, gender equality, and social inclusion. With a broad range of financial instruments available, startups have opportunities to access funding for their initiatives, provided they align with the fund’s objectives.

Source: The European Social Fund Plus | fi-compass
Scope of the Fund
  • ESF + objectives include improving access to employment, enhancing education and training systems, and fostering lifelong learning.
  • Investments in smart specialisation, industrial transitions, and entrepreneurship contribute to broader policy objectives.

The European Social Fund is designed and implemented in a partnership between the European Commission and national and regional authorities. This partnership also involves a wide range of other partners, such as NGOs and workers’ organisations, in the design of the ESF strategy and the monitoring of its implementation. Two other important principles guide the functioning of the ESF:

  1. Co-financing ensures ownership at national and regional level: ESF funding is always accompanied by public or private financing. Co-financing rates vary between 50% and 85% (95% in exceptional cases) of the total project costs depending on the relative wealth of the region.
  2. Shared management allows for taking responsibility at the appropriate level: ESF guidelines are designed at European level through consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders, and Operational Programmes are negotiated between national authorities and the Commission. Implementation on the ground, through Operational Programmes, is managed by the relevant authorities in each country.

Under the ESF+ strand, actions are implemented to achieve the specific objectives mentioned above, while also contributing to broader policy objectives related to a smarter and greener Europe. These efforts involve developing skills for smart specialization, supporting industrial transitions, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering a low-carbon economy through education and training initiatives. 

  • Eligibility extends to legal entities established in EU Member States or associated countries.
  • Financial instruments such as loans, microcredits, and guarantees offer support to startups and SMEs.

A broad range of ESF-supported financial instruments can be potentially implemented:

  1. Loans,
  2. Microcredits,
  3. Guarantees,
  4. Equity. Equity can be invested at different stages in the lifecycle of a business, but publicly-backed equity is most used as early-stage capital for seed and start-up funding.

Summing up, the most relevant aspect to take into account, with regard to the possibility of a start-up applying for this fund, is the capability of the fund to fall into the main objectives and the scope of the ESF+.

Example of successful use of European Social Funds

Sviluppumbria, the regional development agency of Umbria, Italy, in 2016 launched the Creativity Camps. They are workshops which provide participants with the tools to translate the results of their studies, their insights, and their creativity into innovative businesses that can compete on the market by offering original products and services.

Participants, together with experts in the field, become aware of their own motivation and attitude towards being an entrepreneur and are stimulated to take a critical view of their business idea. Professionals, entrepreneurs, market operators were involved in order to interact with participants from the very beginning and prepare them for the challenge of the market. More than 60 young entrepreneurs participated in these Creativity Camps.

More info can be found at: http://www.creativitycamp.eu/SitePages/default.aspx

3. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Promoting Sustainability in Rural Regions

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) supports the sustainability and competitiveness of rural economies, complementing the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. Startups operating in rural areas can leverage EAFRD funding for projects focused on innovation in agriculture, forestry, and rural development. However, accessing EAFRD funds requires alignment with the fund’s priorities and objectives.

For the period 2021-2027, the EAFRD budget stands at 95.5 billion euros, including an additional 8.1 billion euros infusion from the Next Generation EU recovery instrument to tackle the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scope of the Fund

The European Union has outlined six primary areas of focus in Rural Development:

  • Facilitating the transfer of knowledge and fostering innovation in agriculture, forestry, and rural domains;
  • Strengthening the sustainability and competitiveness of various agricultural practices, while advocating for innovative farming techniques and sustainable forest management;
  • Advocating for the organization of the food chain, ensuring animal welfare, and implementing risk management strategies in agriculture;
  • Initiating efforts to restore, preserve, and enrich ecosystems linked to agriculture and forestry;
  • Supporting resource efficiency and facilitating the transition towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy within the agriculture, food, and forestry sectors;
  • Encouraging social inclusivity, poverty alleviation, and economic progress in rural regions.
  • Funding is channeled through national or regional rural development programs, emphasizing collaboration with local authorities.
  • Startups must demonstrate the viability of their projects and alignment with EAFRD objectives to access funding.

Starting in 2023, rural development initiatives will be integrated into the structure of national Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) strategic plans. Each EU member state will formulate a CAP Strategic Plan, amalgamating funding for income support, rural development, and market measures. 

In crafting these strategic plans, member states will contribute to nine specific objectives through a toolbox of comprehensive policy measures provided by the Commission, tailored to national requirements and capabilities. 

Within this framework, the Commission aims to enhance the adaptability of rural development initiatives to address present and future challenges such as climate change and generational renewal, all while maintaining support for European farmers in fostering a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector.

EU member states execute the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) funding through rural development programs (RDPs). These programs, co-financed by national budgets, can be designed on either a national or regional scale. While the European Commission oversees and evaluates RDPs, decisions regarding project selection and disbursement of funds are managed by national and regional authorities.

For more specific information on the implementation and application of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in each EU country click here.

Through financial instruments, the EAFRD acts as a source for loans, microcredit, guarantees and equities, available to recipients in agriculture, forestry and rural areas who are undertaking financially viable projects that support the priorities of the EAFRD.

Financial instruments are expected to support the agriculture and agri-food sectors to make the progress needed for the European Green Deal and to achieve ambitious targets in line with the new Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies. They can also contribute to the new long-term vision for rural areas by helping rural non-agricultural SMEs start or develop their activities.

Open calls related to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development can be found on the portal EU Funding & Tender Portal of the European Commission at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/programmes/agrip

4. Next Generation EU (NGEU)

The NextGeneration EU (NGEU) initiative stands as one of the most extensive stimulus packages ever assembled, boasting a total of 806 billion euros sourced from European Union funds. Crafted with precision, this fund allocation aims to empower EU member states to forge a greener, digitally advanced, and resilient Europe in the face of the pandemic.

A considerable portion of the Next Generation EU funding is earmarked to bolster a digitally oriented growth strategy, aiming to foster equity through innovative solutions that enhance citizens’ well-being and fortify economic resilience.

Scope of the Fund

Centred on six primary domains, the investment initiatives of NextGeneration EU aim to:

  • Cultivating a robust data-driven economy to spur innovation and job growth;
  • Facilitating enhanced connectivity and the deployment of cutting-edge, resilient digital infrastructures, such as 5G networks;
  • Advancing digitalisation and innovation within Public Administration, including the judicial and healthcare systems;
  • Promoting the digital transition of businesses;
  • Strengthening capabilities in critical sectors through the utilization of digital tools such as AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity measures;
  • Adapting educational systems to support digital skills development and facilitating reskilling and upskilling initiatives.

NGEU will play a key role in making Europe the first climate-neutral continent within 2050 by:

  • Investing in future-proof clean technologies;
  • Improving energy efficiency of public and private buildings;
  • Promoting sustainable, accessible, and smart public and private transportation
  • Enabling a more circular economy;
  • Supporting the transition towards renewable energy sources.

Any company, self-employed or individual can access the European Next Generation EU fund. The main condition is that the investment is destined to one of its four transversal axes: ecological transition, digital transformation, social and territorial cohesion and social and gender equality.

There are several ways to apply for these European funds and once the States have accessed the money from the European Union, they implement different aid programs that are articulated through: direct aid and subsidies offered by the ministries, through the calls being launched by the autonomous communities or through indirect investment thanks to the entities that work with the Administration.

NextGeneration EU and startups

SMEs and startups with proposals related to the digital transition, sustainability and social inclusion will be able to access the Next Generation EU European funds. To obtain them, companies must make the right choice of which fund to apply for and prepare to present their project. The projects that often succeed in these applications are those related to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and deep learning, and that also have at least €175,000 of investment. 

The Spanish Chamber of Commerce has indicated that 60% of companies are unaware of the existence of these Next Generation EU funds, while 73% do not know how to apply for subsidies.

Example of successful use of funding from NextGeneration EU

AI & GAMING (JURK) EDIH[1] acts as a one-stop shop and represents the center of digitisation and digital transformation for small and midsized entrepreneurs and for the public sector in central Croatia and the northern Adriatic. EDIH offers the possibility of introducing all digital technologies into the operations of business entities or institutions from the public sector, with a special focus on the fields of artificial intelligence, gamification, and Blockchain.

This Digital Innovation Hub is a unique place where the love of video games becomes serious business and offers offices and coworking space, conference rooms, video and music studio, virtual reality equipment, motion capture studio, studio for photogrammetry, 3D printers and computer equipment to the companies willing to establish there their premises.

This project was launched in December 2022 and will last until the end of 2025. So far, more than 80 startups have been supported thanks to the Next Generation EU funding scheme. More info can be found at: https://gaming-edih.hr/en/about-the-project/.  

5. Just Transition Fund: Facilitating Climate Neutrality and Economic Transition

The Just Transition Fund plays a crucial role in supporting regions as they transition to a zero-emission economy, particularly those most affected by the shift away from fossil fuels. With a focus on economic diversification, worker retraining, and social inclusion, startups can explore opportunities under the Just Transition Mechanism. However, alignment with the fund’s priorities and engagement with national authorities are essential for accessing support.

The Just Transition Mechanism is built upon three pillars:

  1. The Just Transition Fund;
  2. A tailored scheme under the InvestEU program; and
  3. A public sector loan facility in collaboration with the European Investment Bank aimed at mobilizing additional investments for the affected regions.
Scope of the Fund
  • The Just Transition Fund aims to mitigate the impact of the climate transition on regions and foster a zero-emission economy.
  • Investments target economic diversification, worker retraining, and decarbonization of local transport.

The Just Transition Fund is a 17.5 billion euro fund allocated by the EU to help member states use fossil fuels as little as possible. The Fund serves as a pivotal instrument in bolstering regions most impacted by the shift towards climate neutrality while curbing the rise in regional disparities. Its primary aim is to alleviate the repercussions of this transition by financing the diversification and modernization of local economies and mitigating adverse effects on employment.  In fact, the Fund also aim at becoming a support for the regions, in order to be able to help SMEs, start-ups, but also workers, so that they can acquire all the knowledge and skills useful for obtaining jobs that respect the economy of the future. In addition to all this, there is also funding for the so-called “decarbonization of local transport”, as well as various activities that fall under social inclusion and education, again to promote a zero-emission economy.

The Just Transition Fund primarily dispenses grants, while the specific transitional scheme under InvestEU aims to attract private investments. The endeavours of the European Investment Bank are intended to galvanise public financing.

Support extended through the Just Transition Fund is directed towards fostering economic diversification in regions most impacted by the climate transition, alongside retraining initiatives and active inclusion measures for their workforce and job seekers. Eligibility criteria for investments under the other two pillars of the Just Transition Mechanism are broader and designed to encompass activities related to the energy transition as well.

  • Territorial Just Transition Plans guide the allocation of funding, requiring collaboration between member states and the EU Commission.
  • Startups must align their projects with the fund’s objectives and anticipate the socio-economic impacts of the transition.
NextGeneration EU and startups

The fund is a key element of the Green Deal and aims to pave the way for a green and sustainable economy by providing support for renewable energy, start-ups, knowledge transfer, redevelopment, social infrastructure and cultural projects.

Start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises can submit projects concerning the ecological and digital transition, financed with European resources.

Navigating EU Funds for Startup Growth

In conclusion, the EU offers a diverse range of funding opportunities for startups to drive innovation, sustainability, and social inclusion. While accessing these funds may pose challenges, startups can leverage their creativity, resilience, and alignment with EU priorities to secure support for their initiatives. By understanding the scope, criteria, and objectives of key funding mechanisms like the Cohesion Fund, ESF +, EAFRD, and Just Transition Fund, startups can chart a path towards growth and success in the evolving European startup ecosystem.

RAISE Initiative: Empowering Startups Through Collaboration and Exchange

Between EU funding opportunities, initiatives like RAISE (Regional Associations Incubating Startups for Europe) project emerge as catalysts for startup growth and cooperation. RAISE aims to create an interconnected startup ecosystem by fostering collaboration among associations, mapping regional funding instruments, and advocating for startup-friendly policies.

Impact of RAISE Initiative
  • RAISE facilitates permanent cooperation between associations to achieve impact towards scale-ups, creating a supportive ecosystem for startups.
  • By mapping regional funding instruments, RAISE enables startups to navigate the complex funding landscape and access relevant opportunities.
  • Through advocacy for startup-friendly policies, RAISE contributes to creating an enabling environment for startup growth and innovation.

Key Considerations for Startups:

  1. Alignment with EU Priorities: Startups seeking EU funding should align their projects with EU priorities such as sustainability, digitalization, and social inclusion to maximize their chances of success.
  2. Collaboration and Engagement: Engaging with relevant stakeholders at the national and regional levels is essential for navigating EU funding mechanisms and accessing support.
  3. Innovation and Adaptability: Startups should demonstrate innovation and adaptability in their projects, addressing current and future challenges while contributing to EU policy objectives.
  4. Persistence and Resilience: Navigating EU funding can be complex, requiring persistence and resilience. Startups should be prepared to overcome challenges and seize opportunities along the way.

Looking Ahead: Opportunities for Startup Growth in the EU

In conclusion, EU funding presents a wealth of opportunities for startups to accelerate their growth, drive innovation, and contribute to a sustainable and resilient economy. By understanding the funding landscape, engaging with relevant stakeholders, and leveraging initiatives like RAISE, startups can navigate the complexities of EU funding and embark on a path towards success in the dynamic European startup ecosystem.

RAISE Project’s Common Action Plan to Strengthen the Startup Ecosystem
RAISE Project’s Common Action Plan to Strengthen the Startup Ecosystem 1024 683 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The RAISE initiative has developed a detailed Common Action Plan aimed at providing comprehensive support to start-ups and scale-ups. This plan addresses several key areas including initial funding, research assistance, public incentives, and strategies for internationalisation. The plan acts as a guide to help start-ups expand their operations effectively, focusing on:

  • Start-up creation and market entry
  • Talent attraction
  • Regulatory collaboration
  • Public procurement participation
  • Access to finance
  • Digitalisation

Target Audiences

The Common Action Plan primarily targets:

  • Start-ups: Young companies with high growth potential.
  • Investors: Venture capitalists, angel investors, and mentors.
  • Ecosystem: Entrepreneurs, mentors, accelerators, government agencies, and universities.
  • Policymakers: Officials and regulators shaping the legal landscape for start-ups.

Secondary audiences include innovation hubs, knowledge transfer agencies, and industry associations.

Expected Impact

The plan aims to:

  1. Strengthen collaborative innovation among public, research sectors, and creative businesses.
  2. Promote experimental policy creation and public sector participation.
  3. Support start-ups in accessing international markets.

Additional benefits include faster and safer innovations, enhanced entrepreneurship, investment, and economic growth.

Analysis of Barriers

The RAISE Common Action Plan identifies key barriers impacting start-up growth:

  1. Access to Finance:
    • Limited venture capital and traditional financing options.
    • Weak business models reducing investment interest.
  2. Regulatory Environment:
    • Complex and costly regulations.
  3. Infrastructure:
    • Inadequate physical and digital infrastructure.
  4. Market Access:
    • Trade barriers and lack of market information.
  5. Talent Pool:
    • Shortage of skilled workers and challenges in attracting talent.
  6. Entrepreneurial Culture:
    • Societal norms stigmatising failure and discouraging risk-taking.
  7. Support Services:
    • Limited mentorship and industry connections.
  8. Internationalisation:
    • Challenges in expanding into foreign markets.

Impact on Stakeholders

  • Investors: Limited funding affects start-ups’ growth and investors’ returns.
  • Policymakers: Complex regulations discourage entrepreneurship and investment.
  • Ecosystem: Gaps in infrastructure and support services need collaboration to create a supportive environment.
  • Start-ups: Market access difficulties highlight the need for supportive initiatives.

Key Areas of Focus

  1. Start-up Creation and Market Entry:
    • Streamlined processes and strong support systems.
    • EU-wide training programmes and Erasmus for young entrepreneurs.
  2. Talent Attraction and Retention:
    • Improve the EU’s talent attraction framework.
    • Promote a diverse and inclusive work culture.
    • Implement training programmes and offer stock options.
  3. Regulatory Innovation:
    • Work with regulators to create supportive policies.
    • Participation in regulatory sandboxes.
    • Promote start-up involvement in industry associations.
  4. Innovation in Procurement:
    • Engage in public procurement processes.
    • Expand networks and partner with ambitious buyers.
    • Simplify intellectual property rights processes.
  5. Access to Finance:
    • Government incentives and support.
    • Raise awareness and increase funding opportunities for disadvantaged entrepreneurs.
    • Enhance public-private co-funding initiatives.
  6. Digitalisation:
    • Embrace digital technologies.
    • Use European Digital Innovation Hubs.
    • Promote ethical data use and digital transformation.

Start-up Creation and Market Entry: The fast start-up creation dimension emphasizes the need for streamlined processes and robust support systems. Key initiatives include promoting Erasmus programs for young entrepreneurs and implementing EU-wide training programs. These programs will help start-up founders develop go-to-market strategies and product creation plans, essential for successful market entry. By connecting with experienced entrepreneurs and experts, founders can navigate the entrepreneurial path more effectively.

Talent Attraction and Retention: Attracting and retaining talent is instrumental for start-up success. Enhancing the EU’s talent attraction framework, such as the Talent Booster Mechanism, is essential. Additionally, fostering a positive, diverse, and inclusive work culture is crucial. The RAISE Consortium suggests implementing targeted training programmes and leveraging the potential of researchers to enhance talent attraction strategies. Offering stock options as part of a standard, well-structured program can further incentivise talented employees to join and stay with start-ups.

Regulatory Innovation: Start-ups need to collaborate with regulators to co-create policies that support entrepreneurship. Participation in regulatory sandboxes, where new products and services can be tested, is a significant step forward. Raising awareness among regional and national governments about the benefits of these tools and promoting start-up participation in industry associations can amplify their voice in the market and influence policymaking.

Innovation in Procurement: Engaging in public procurement processes can be mutually beneficial for start-ups and public entities. To lower access barriers, start-ups should expand their networks and partner with ambitious public and private buyers. Key milestones include establishing a digital platform for listing requests for proposals and organizing hybrid events like supplier innovation days. Simplifying intellectual property rights registration and enforcement processes is also crucial.

Access to Finance: Governments play a crucial role in providing incentives and support for start-ups, given their unique financial needs. Raising awareness among founders and investors and increasing funding opportunities for disadvantaged entrepreneurs, such as women and those in rural areas, are vital steps. Scaling up matchmaking platforms like Euroquity and Dealflow and enhancing public-private co-funding initiatives can also boost financial access for start-ups.

Digitalisation: Digital transformation is essential for improving efficiency and customer experience. Start-ups are encouraged to embrace digital technologies and leverage the potential of European Digital Innovation Hubs to enhance competitiveness. Scaling up initiatives under the Digital Europe Program, with a specific focus on start-up support, is also critical. Establishing EU-funded mentorship programs and promoting ethical and responsible data use are additional measures to ensure start-ups thrive in a digital-first environment.

Policymaker Insights

The document provides policymakers with valuable insights into the needs and expectations of the start-up ecosystem. The identified policy milestones highlight key initiatives required at regional, national, or EU levels to support each action in the plan. The analysis underscores the importance of establishing collaboration networks to facilitate interactions between start-ups, investors, corporations, researchers, and policymakers.

RAISE initiative supports a supportive and dynamic environment for start-ups

According to the latest Startup Nations Standard Report, there has been notable improvement in the dimensions defined by the European Startup Nations Alliance (ESNA). However, there is still room to scale up policy initiatives to achieve the proposed actions in the RAISE plan. By addressing these critical areas, the RAISE initiative aims to create a supportive and dynamic environment for start-ups to thrive, ensuring sustainable growth and innovation across Europe.

RAISE Project Executed Effective Startup Pilot Actions in Second Year
RAISE Project Executed Effective Startup Pilot Actions in Second Year 1024 683 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In the second year of the RAISE project’s implementation, the consortium team successfully deployed pilot actions for startups, engaging up to 100 scale-ups alongside high-level coaches, trainers, and speakers. This initiative was part of the broader efforts of RAISE project team to establish a sustainable support framework for startup growth within the EU ecosystem, in accordance with the principles of the Startup Nations Standard Declaration.

Innovative Pilot Actions Drive Startup Growth in the EU

Five distinct sets of pilot actions were executed by five RAISE consortium partners, each leveraging their unique expertise to bolster startup growth within the EU ecosystem. These initiatives align with the Startup Nations Standard Declaration and focus on various critical aspects of business development.

1. Business Model Actions by SERN 

SERN led the way with business plan development for startups and scale-ups. Their approach involved analysing startup concepts, assessing multiple business dimensions, and providing comprehensive advice through different sessions. This included evaluating business concepts, applications, production processes, markets, competitors, pricing strategies, financial requirements, impacts, and time to market. By utilising initial idea stage information, SERN offered thorough support and guidance to enhance business viability.

2. Seed Capital/Venture Capital Actions by EBAN 

EBAN focused on addressing the financial needs of startups and scale-ups. They provided training and services aimed at securing investment, helping startups align their business models with economic scenarios, and enhancing marketing plans. EBAN connected startups with corporations, venture capitalists, and private equity firms, facilitating investment discussions and fostering financial growth.

3. Business Partnerships Actions by EURADA 

EURADA emphasised the expansion of sales channels and technology partnerships for startups. Their guidance and assistance in structuring comprehensive business plans enabled startups to gain insights crucial for market entry. EURADA’s analysis of business concepts, target markets, competitors, and financial needs provided startups with a solid foundation for growth. 

Aiming at providing personalised training and interactive learning, these coaching sessions revolved around a total of four online workshops of 90 minutes each, dealing with crucial aspects: The Lean Canvas, The Unique Value Propositions Canvas, Approaching Risk Capital Investors, and How to Master Your Pitch. The structure of each workshop has been a sum of a theoretical session and a practical one, giving participants in this way the opportunity to gather tailored tips related to their business directly from the coach.

4. Talent Matching Sessions by ICoRSA 

ICoRSA’s efforts focused on bridging the gap between researchers and the private sector. Through mentoring sessions, they linked researcher mentors and startup mentors with startups and scale-ups. ICoRSA organised four matchmaking mentoring events, including interactive online sessions and providing know-how through different presentations of experts from each area. These events resulted in online guides for startups covering topics such as the impact of researchers on startup success, connecting entrepreneurs, investors, and research talents, and using technology and data for talent matching. The key results of these sessions are online guides for startups related to: Researcher’s Impact on Startup SuccessConnecting Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Research Talents, and Market Research and Data-Driven Decisions, and Using Technology and Data for Talent Matching

5. Women Entrepreneurship Pilot Actions by FUNDECYT-PCTEX 

FUNDECYT-PCTEX promoted female entrepreneurship, particularly in rural areas, making significant strides towards inclusivity. Through upskilling and mentoring sessions, female CEOs of startups received invaluable support and guidance. The focus on fostering networking opportunities and community-building among female entrepreneurs underscored the importance of empowerment and support within the entrepreneurial landscape.

These pilot actions represent a concerted effort to create a sustainable support framework for startup growth across the EU, driving innovation and economic development throughout the region.

Photo via Studentreasuers Publishing

Startup Interactive Map
Startup Interactive Map 1024 591 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The RAISE project team launched an innovative interactive map, now available on the project website, showcasing regional support policies and measures for startups across the European Union. This new resource, developed under the RAISE Project Work Package 3 – Preparation for Future Implementation of Common Action Plans, is designed to assist startups in navigating the diverse landscape of regional support programs.

The RAISE project aims to foster an interconnected space for startups through ongoing cooperation and knowledge exchange between associations. Key objectives include driving impact towards scale-ups, planning joint actions to help startups scale, and contributing to the development of startup-friendly regional policies.

Given the dynamic nature of startup policies in Europe, the RAISE Consortium conducted an in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis of the current state of entrepreneurship, R&D, and the growth potential of startups. Recognizing the vital economic and societal role of innovation-driven startups, this analysis emphasized the need for multi-actor collaboration and the creation of interdisciplinary connections between startups and relevant stakeholders.

To address the gaps in startup support at the EU level, the Consortium evaluated the evolution of startup-friendly regional policies and programs funded by European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and the Next Generation EU program. As part of this effort, EURADA and FUNDECYT-Science and Technology Park of Extremadura collected regional experiences and examples from EU NUTS 2 territories, focusing on services supporting startup growth, capacity building, and access to funding.

The interactive map is closely linked to the project deliverable D3.2.2 – Guide on How to Use Funds for Startup Support, which offers additional information on funding sources and practical examples.

Methodology Behind the Interactive Map:

  1. Survey Creation: Fundecyt drafted a comprehensive survey titled “Benchmark Startup Friendly Policies in Europe,” gathering data on programs, funding sources, regional impacts, and more.
  2. Survey Dissemination: The survey was distributed online and in paper format, supported by a social media campaign and targeted messaging through EURADA’s network.
  3. Data Collection: Data collected through the EU Survey was compiled and analyzed, with the most relevant initiatives selected for inclusion on the map.
  4. Map Creation: Through consultations and meetings between EURADA and iCorsa, the map was developed using a Plugin for enhanced functionality and designed for user-friendliness.

The map currently includes information on five European regions (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, and Romania) and 15 initiatives funded by EU Structural Funds. Users can navigate the map, click on pins for detailed information about each initiative, and access program webpages for more details.

The interactive map is now live and accessible here: https://theraise.eu/interactive-map/

A crucial tool for entrepreneurs seeking to leverage European Structural and Investment Funds: The RAISE initiative, over the past two years, has provided an integrated approach to supporting startups and scale-ups. By addressing the information gap and the challenges startups face in accessing funds, this map serves as a crucial tool for entrepreneurs seeking to leverage European Structural and Investment Funds. It underscores the European Union’s commitment to fostering a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem and supports startups in integrating into the economic fabric.

RAISE Final Conference
RAISE Final Conference 1024 582 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The EU-Startups Summit 2024 in Malta marked the conclusion of the RAISE project, where over 50 participants gathered to celebrate the culmination of efforts aimed at fostering startup growth through enhanced ecosystem connectivity.

Led by project coordinator Giorgio Alessandro from SERN (Startup Europe Regions Network), the final conference featured a summary of the project’s activities.

The main goal of RAISE was to develop a new and sustainable integrated support framework to foster start-up growth and scale-up across Europe in all its dimensions, from initial funding and research support to public incentives and internationalisation. This resulted in the promotion of competitive business models, unconventional collaborations, and solutions across Europe, contributing to the establishment of a true EU startup ecosystem that linked multiple cities and regions together. RAISE established a joint agenda to build effective collaboration among key innovation ecosystem players at the regional, national, and EU levels. All these players played a crucial role in the start-ups’ growth lifecycle through upskilling initiatives, research and innovation (R&I) programmes and policies, capacity building, private investment, and access to public funding.

How to turn Europe into an interconnected startup ecosystem?

Professor Rudy Aernoudt’s keynote address, titled “How to turn Europe into a world startup ecosystem?” provided invaluable insights into overcoming obstacles and shaping effective policies. Professor highlighted that 36% of world-wide startups are EU-based. He continue further to list obstacles for EU startups: uncertainty about the future, regulatory setbacks and cost effectiveness, cultural difference and mindset of Europeans, lack of capital and financial risks. Prof Aernoudt concluded that there is a need for broad evidence-based policies to support European startup ecosystem in today’s turbulent environment.

RAISE Pilot Actions

Alessandro Craglia from EBAN (European Business Angel Network) showcased pilot initiatives crafted by the RAISE project, spanning business model refinement, partnership cultivation, access to funding and ventural capital, talent acquisition, and the promotion of women and rural entrepreneurship. Verklaren’s testimonial underscored the tangible benefits experienced by startups engaged in RAISE activities. As a small international consulting company, Verklaren managed through ICoRSA mentorship sessions and RAISE pilot action to set a new value proposition, define a new market target, and set strategic direction towards collaboration with European NGOs and EU-finance projects.

Startup Support Map

Giacomo Frisanco from EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies) introduced the Startup Support Interactive Map, a tool designed to assist startups in navigating European Structural and Investment Funds. The RAISE project team launched an innovative interactive map, now available on the project website, showcasing regional support policies and measures for startups across the European Union. This new resource, developed under the RAISE Project Work Package 3 – Preparation for Future Implementation of Common Action Plans, is designed to assist startups in navigating the diverse landscape of regional support programmes. The map currently includes information on five European regions (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, and Romania) and 15 initiatives funded by EU Structural Funds. Users can navigate the map, click on pins for detailed information about each initiative, and access programme webpages for more details.

Common Action Plan

Presenting the Common Action Plan by Giorgio Alessandro marked a significant moment, synthesising the needs and expectations of the startup sector based on extensive research and guidance from the RAISE Regional Steering Group. The RAISE Consortium initially defined 80 activities – 10 for each one of
the 8 dimensions of the SNS (Standard Nations Startup). He elaborated about aims of Common Action Plan on five key dimensions: Action, Objective, Stakeholders, Policy milestone and Timeframe.

The summit concluded with a dynamic panel discussion moderated by Cristina Gallardo Rey (Fundecyt), featuring Rudy Aernoudt, Greta Camilleri, and Philippe Séjalon, facilitating lively discourse on the challenges and opportunities within the European startup landscape. With interactive QnA session, participants had opportunity to ask the burning questions and get answers from perspective of government, academia and business. Throughout the day, prominent speakers and case studies provided valuable insights into the outcomes of the RAISE project.

RAISE’s journey dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem

Reflecting on RAISE’s journey, the project has been dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem without boundaries. From funding to research support and internationalisation, RAISE has championed collaboration, linking stakeholders from local to international levels.

As RAISE concludes its journey, it leaves behind a legacy of interconnectedness, collaboration, and empowerment. The project’s efforts have nurtured startup growth and scale-up across Europe, marking a significant step towards a vibrant and resilient European startup ecosystem.

In summary, the RAISE project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and collective action in driving positive change within the European startup landscape.

You can find full presentation from the final conference below:

RAISE Project Concludes with Resounding Success at EU-Startups Summit 2024
RAISE Project Concludes with Resounding Success at EU-Startups Summit 2024 1024 743 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

The EU-Startups Summit 2024 in Malta witnessed conclusion of the RAISE project, as over 50 participants gathered to celebrate the culmination of efforts aimed at fostering startup growth through enhanced ecosystem connectivity.

The summit, spearheaded by project coordinator Giorgio Alessandro from SERN (Startup Europe Regions Network), who made a summary of the objectives and activities of the whole project. Professor Rudy Aernoudt’s keynote address, titled “How to turn Europe into a world startup ecosystem?” provided invaluable insights into overcoming obstacles and shaping effective policies.

Professor Rudy Aernoudt from University of Ghent

Alessandro Craglia from EBAN (European Business Angel Network) showcased the pilot initiatives crafted by the RAISE project. These initiatives spanned business model refinement, partnership cultivation, access to funding, talent acquisition, and the promotion of women and rural entrepreneurship. Verklaren’s testimonial underscored the tangible benefits experienced by startups engaged in RAISE activities.

Over 50 participants

Giacomo Frisanco from EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies) introduced the Startup Support Interactive Map, a groundbreaking tool designed to assist startups in navigating European Structural and Investment Funds.
The unveiling of the Common Action Plan by Giorgio Alessandro marked a significant moment, synthesizing the needs and expectations of the startup sector based on extensive research and guidance from the RAISE Regional Steering Group.

Panel discussion featuring Rudy Aernoudt (middle), Greta Camilleri (left), and Philippe Séjalon (right)

The summit concluded with a dynamic panel discussion moderated by Cristina Gallardo Rey (Fundecyt) featuring Rudy Aernoudt, Greta Camilleri, and Philippe Séjalon, facilitating lively discourse on the challenges and opportunities within the European startup landscape. Throughout the day, prominent speakers and case studies provided valuable insights into the outcomes of the RAISE project.
Reflecting on RAISE’s journey, the project has been dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem without boundaries. From funding to research support and internationalization, RAISE has championed collaboration, linking stakeholders from local to international levels.
As RAISE concludes its journey, it leaves behind a legacy of interconnectedness, collaboration, and empowerment. The project’s efforts have nurtured startup growth and scale-up across Europe, marking a significant step towards a vibrant and resilient European startup ecosystem.
In summary, the RAISE project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and collective action in driving positive change within the European startup landscape.

Raise Final Event: EU Startups Summit 2024
Raise Final Event: EU Startups Summit 2024 680 680 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

RAISE, the Regions’ Alliances for Interconnected Start-up Ecosystems Project, is set to culminate in a final closing conference on May 9th in Malta as part of the prestigious EU Startups Summit that will be held in Malta. This event marks the culmination of RAISE’s mission to foster a dynamic and sustainable support framework for startup growth and scale-up across Europe. The event is held as part of the EU Startups Summit, but it’s free of charge.

The conference will feature prominent speakers and case studies, offering insights into the outcomes of the project. The event will be opened by a keynote speech from Rudy Aernoudt (University of Ghent), who will address the audience on “How to Turn Europe into an Interconnected Startup Ecosystem.” The keynote speech will delve into an overview of what policies are needed to stimulate the start-up sector in the EU, discussing the importance of connectivity. 

Throughout the day, the RAISE team will present the methodology and results of RAISE pilot actions, including testimonials from startup experiences. The sessions will explore topics such as “Navigating Structural Funds with the RAISE Startup Support Interactive Map”, and further discuss the needs and expectations of the startup sector through a common action plan developed by SERN with the support of the Regional Steering Group.

Following the presentation of the Common Action Plan, a panel discussion featuring two representatives from  the RAISE Regional Steering Groups and Rudy Aernoudt will take place. The panellists will delve into startup challenges and opportunities in various EU regions, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

Register Here!

Reflecting on RAISE’s journey, the project has been dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem without boundaries. From funding to research support and internationalisation, RAISE has championed collaboration, linking stakeholders from local to international levels.

RAISE’s focus on pilot actions, benchmarking startup-friendly policies, and nurturing growth has been instrumental in shaping the future of startup support in Europe. The project’s legacy lies in its efforts to design action plans, highlight best practices, and build a joint agenda for effective collaboration.

As RAISE concludes its journey, it leaves behind a legacy of interconnectedness, collaboration, and empowerment, nurturing startup growth and scale-up across Europe towards a truly interconnected EU startup ecosystem.

EU Startup Summit

The EU Startup Summit will gather over 2,000 founders, startup enthusiasts, corporates, angel investors, VCs, and media from across Europe. The event will provide great networking opportunities, with a dedicated networking app (all participants get access about 10 days prior to the event), and serve as the meeting point for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors who are aiming to build international tech companies. The EU Startup Summit will have fireside chats with internationally successful founders, insightful keynotes, and an exciting pitch competition on our main stage with some of Europe’s most promising startup teams – selected from over 1,400 applicants!

RAISE Project to Conclude with Final Conference at EU Startups Summit 2024
RAISE Project to Conclude with Final Conference at EU Startups Summit 2024 1024 681 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

RAISE, the Regions’ Alliances for Interconnected Start-up Ecosystems Project, is set to culminate in a final closing conference on May 9th in Malta as part of the prestigious EU Startups Summit that will be held in Malta. This event marks the culmination of RAISE’s mission to foster a dynamic and sustainable support framework for startup growth and scale-up across Europe. The event is held as part of the EU Startups Summit, but it’s free of charge.

The conference will feature prominent speakers and case studies, offering insights into the outcomes of the project. The event will be opened by a keynote speech from Rudy Aernoudt (University of Ghent), who will address the audience on “How to Turn Europe into an Interconnected Startup Ecosystem.” The keynote speech will delve into an overview of what policies are needed to stimulate the start-up sector in the EU, discussing the importance of connectivity. 

Throughout the day, the RAISE team will present the methodology and results of RAISE pilot actions, including testimonials from startup experiences. The sessions will explore topics such as “Navigating Structural Funds with the RAISE Startup Support Interactive Map”, and further discuss the needs and expectations of the startup sector through a common action plan developed by SERN with the support of the Regional Steering Group.

Following the presentation of the Common Action Plan, a panel discussion featuring two representatives from  the RAISE Regional Steering Groups and Rudy Aernoudt will take place. The panellists will delve into startup challenges and opportunities in various EU regions, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

Register Here!

Reflecting on RAISE’s journey, the project has been dedicated to bridging gaps and uniting regions to shape a true EU startup ecosystem without boundaries. From funding to research support and internationalisation, RAISE has championed collaboration, linking stakeholders from local to international levels.


The Open Startup Forum, created as part of RAISE, will continue to serve as a space for exchanging ideas and promoting startups and scaleups, facilitating collaboration among stakeholders from across the EU.

RAISE’s focus on pilot actions, benchmarking startup-friendly policies, and nurturing growth has been instrumental in shaping the future of startup support in Europe. The project’s legacy lies in its efforts to design action plans, highlight best practices, and build a joint agenda for effective collaboration.

As RAISE concludes its journey, it leaves behind a legacy of interconnectedness, collaboration, and empowerment, nurturing startup growth and scale-up across Europe towards a truly interconnected EU startup ecosystem.

EU Startup Summit

The EU Startup Summit will gather over 2,000 founders, startup enthusiasts, corporates, angel investors, VCs, and media from across Europe. The event will provide great networking opportunities, with a dedicated networking app (all participants get access about 10 days prior to the event), and serve as the meeting point for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors who are aiming to build international tech companies. The EU Startup Summit will have fireside chats with internationally successful founders, insightful keynotes, and an exciting pitch competition on our main stage with some of Europe’s most promising startup teams – selected from over 1,400 applicants!


In the exhibition hall of this year’s EU-Startups Summit, about 60 innovative companies will exhibit in a dedicated booth. In total, our 2,000 participants will represent about 1,200 different companies, and you’ll be able to connect with them face-to-face and through our dedicated networking app.

Exciting Opportunity to Shape Startup Support in Your Region!
Exciting Opportunity to Shape Startup Support in Your Region! 1024 576 RAISE fosters startup growth and scale-up within and across Europe

In its efforts to boost startup success, the RAISE project is working towards creating a fantastic new support system. As part of this mission, EURADA, along with its member FUNDECYT, is on a mission to gather insights from EU NUT 2 territories about services that help startups grow.

How Can You Contribute?

Help us by sharing your experiences! We want to hear about regional policies and programmes that support startups. Whether it’s funded by the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund, the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, or NextGenEU Funds, your input matters! Help us by completing the survey.

Why Your Voice Matters?

By participating in this survey, you play a crucial role in bridging the gaps in startup support across the EU. RAISE aims to create an integrated map of startup and scaleup support initiatives. Your insights will guide other regions on how to use structural funds effectively to empower startups.

How to Share Your Initiatives?

Help us by completing the survey. Respond to this survey and tell us about the impactful programmes in your region. Let’s build a network of support! 🤗

What’s Next?

The ultimate goal is to develop an interactive map of startup initiatives that is accessible to everyone. This map will serve as a guide for regional policymakers and programme managers. Check out the RAISE website for more details, and stay tuned for the positive changes we can create together!

For any questions about the survey, feel free to reach out to our colleague Nora Scantamburlo. Let’s work together for a thriving startup ecosystem!

Help us by completing the survey.

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